
Price Matching

No complicated Terms & Conditions.

If you've seen a better price online, or received a quotation from another company, let us know! We will try to match any price set by an Authorised UK Vendor!

Call us at 01304 827 609 or email us at BeatThisPrice@use-IP.co.uk

Please note: We will not match Amazon/eBay or similar sellers. We've found a significant amount of sellers currently offering Hikvision products in particular via these channels, though other brands are affected as well.

Despite what they often say, these sellers offer grey imports and/or are not able to offer you any manufacturer warranty on your products! Hikvision have stated that they will not provide support or honour the warranty for any products purchased through these unauthorised channels.

As well as a great price, we offer all customers free UK delivery and free lifetime technical support and product advice. For these reasons we will only price match those offering the genuine article.